Posted on 27 Sep 2020
We, the undersigned, are calling for our elected MPs to scrap the Coronavirus Act now.
In times of crisis governments can either tap into public spirit and connect communities or increase state powers and use coercive methods that foster ill-will and blame. Faced with this choice, the Government opted for a criminal justice response to a public health crisis, prioritising immigration control over saving lives, and rushing through an Act of Parliament that strips away our rights.
The Coronavirus Act hits already marginalised communities hardest. It weakens social care safeguards, leaving people without vital support. It removes protections for people experiencing mental health crises. It has created unworkable police powers that have been disproportionately used against people of colour. It threatens our fundamental right to protest.
And by leaving the racist hostile environment in place, the Government has abandoned survivors of domestic abuse, rough sleepers and migrants – a cruel decision which only serves to make everyone less safe.
The Coronavirus Act has no firm end date. Its sweeping powers continue to threaten many of our basic rights and could do so long beyond the current crisis. And yet Parliament has barely scrutinised it.
As MPs return in September, they will decide whether or not to maintain the greatest limitation on liberty in a generation. They must vote to scrap the Act and for the Government to instead focus on a response to the pandemic which protects everyone’s human rights and keeps civil liberties intact.
Another Night of Sisterhood (ANOS)
Big Brother Watch
Black Lives Matter UK
Black Protest Legal Support UK (BPLS)
British Institute of Human Rights (BIHR)
Centre for Mental Health
Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants (JCWI)
London Campaign Against Police and State Violence
Museum of Homelessness
National Survivor User Network
Northern Police Monitoring Project (NPMP)
Rights and Security International
Runnymede Trust
Streets Kitchen
The Traveller Movement
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