
Liberty responds to inspectorate report on police vetting failures

Posted on 02 Nov 2022

Liberty have responded to a report by the police inspectorate, which found that vetting failures have allowed potentially thousands of ‘predatory’ officers to join the police.

Emmanuelle Andrews, Policy and Campaigns Manager, said: 

“This new report is just the latest in a long line of reports which talk about the culture of misogyny and racism in policing as if it is new information. It’s not. We know that this culture runs through British policing, and it is putting women and people of colour in our communities at risk every day.

“And yet this year, while it has become clear time and again that the police can’t be trusted with the powers that they have, the government has been pushing through plans to hand them even more.

“The powers of the police are already so broad that they will always be open to abuse. If the government is serious about keeping communities safe, they will roll back these powers, scrap the new Public Order Bill which seeks to widen them, and invest in community-led alternatives to policing with human rights at their heart.”

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