
Liberty responds to NI Assembly approving mandatory use of vaccine passports

Posted on 17 Nov 2021

Liberty has responded after the Northern Irish Assembly voted to approve a motion that will make the use of vaccine passports mandatory at a wide range of venues and events.

Jodie Beck, Policy and Campaigns Officer at Liberty, said: “We all want to keep each other safe and Liberty has always supported reasonable and proportionate measures to combat COVID. But vaccine passports are not a solution – they mean more coercion and division.

“Vaccine passports risk creating a two-tier society where people who are already marginalised will see their rights and autonomy most affected.

“Stormont must not use this as an opportunity to normalise and usher in even more coercive policies, such as wider use of vaccine passports and mandatory vaccinations. Politicians across the UK should be ensuring wide access to vaccines and providing better education to support and empower people to give informed consent, with a full understanding of the risks and benefits to themselves and others.”

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